How to Start RTS Juice, Squash and Syrup Processing and Packaging Business
Project Report
A variety of soft drinks are being presently produced in the country such
as sweetened carbonated (aerated) soft drinks, still beverages containing fruit
juice/pulp and soda water falling under the category of RTS (ready-to-serve)
beverages. Among these the share of fruit Juice based beverages are very small
compared to synthetic carbonated drinks/soda waters. However, the trend is
slowly changing for the obvious advantages of nutritious beverages over the
synthetic aerated waters. The present volume of the soft drinks business is of
the order of Rs. 800 crores per annum. Manufacture of RTS fruit beverages based
on fruit juices/pulps are only considered here, as they are nutritious.
QUALITY AND STANDARDS : As per FPO specifications
PRODUCTION CAPACITY : Fresh fruit 400 tpa or 2 tpd
Juice : 50 MT
RTS : 350 MT
Squash / Cordial 160 MT
Fruit syrup 15 MT
Crush 15 MT
Fruit based beverages are relished when
served chilled, particularly during summers. These are delicious as well as
nutritious containing the goodness of fresh fruit. Squash, syrup, cordial,
crush are diluted with water before use. The juice is used as such.
Ready-to-serve beverages are made out of juice, sugar and water and consumed as
such. The fruits e.g. pineapple,orange, lime, banana, litchi, passion fruit,
other local fruits can be used. The final products are : pure juice,
ready-to-serve beverages packed in 200 mL glass bottles; squashes/syrups packed
in 500 mL/700 mL/ 1L glass or PET bottles.
Herbal roots, flowers, extracts can also be
used to make syrups and squashes. Products made out of ginger-citrus,
rhododendron, rose petals, sorrel leaves also have a good demand.
India is second largest producer of fruits
(45 million tonnes) and vegetables (90 million tonnes). The wastage of fresh
produce is estimated at 25-30% due to transport and marketing problems and lack
of processing facililties. Less than 2% of fresh produce is processed. Of late
the infrastructural facilities have greatly improved and Govt. of India has
laid high priority to food processing sector. Setting up of Food Parks,
attractive incentives to the entrepreneurs, phenomenal strides in export and
domestic demands have encouraged a large number of new start ups resulting in
food processing industry to become a sun rise industry in the country.
a) The unit proposes to work at least 300 days per annum
on single shift basis.
b) The unit can achieve its full capacity utilization
during the 2nd year of operation.
c) The wages for skilled workers is taken as per
prevailing rates in this type of industry.
d) Interest rate for total capital investment is
calculated @ 12% per annum.
e) The entrepreneur is expected to raise 20-25% of the
capital as margin money.
f) The unit proposes to construct own building as per
F.P.O. specifications.
g) Costs of machinery and equipment are based on average
prices enquired from machinery manufacturers.
Project implementation will take a period of 8 months.
Break-up of the activities and relative time for each activity is shown below:
- Scheme preparation and approval : 01 month
- SSI provisional registration : 1-2 months
- Sanction of financial supports etc. : 2-5 months
- Installation of machinery and power connection : 6-8 months
- Trial run and production : 01 month
The unit can be set up in Food Park,
industrial sheds, fruit growing area or near the market. Availability of raw
material, bottles, skilled labour, portable water, road connectivity must be
taken into consideration.
The raw material
needed for fruit juice/pulp based RTS beverages are : Fruit pulp/juice,
sugar, citric acid, preservatives and permitted colours, flavours and other additives.
Almost all varieties of the pulpy fruits can be used for the extraction of their
pulp or juice. Atleast 3 or 4 varieties of the different fruits are available
in almost all parts of the country.
The following
fruits are well suited for RTS beverages.
1. Mango 2. Guava 3. Oranges 4.
Pineapple 5. Grapes 6. Papaya 7. Acid limes 8.
Litchi 9. Passion fruit
10. Apples 11. Banana 12.
During the season
the fruits are to be processed and the pulp/juice are to be preserved for the
regular use. This can be done either in OTS cans (3.1 kgs or 5.20 kgs) or
chemically preserved with sulphur dioxide or sodium benzoate (storage in wooden
barrels or HDPE containers). Canned pulp/juice are preferred, as they are superior
to chemically preserved pulp in all respects. The pulp can either be extracted
at the unit or can be purchased from other manufacturers or got done on contact
Sugar required for
the production of RTS beverages can be obtained from the local sugar factories
or from wholesale dealers. Other raw materials such as citric acid, colour,
flavour and preservatives are available indigenously and can be obtained from
the manufacturers directly or through heir dealers.
Bottles (200 ml or
250 ml) are to be obtained periodically depending upon the sales volume.
However, for doing a turnover, of 10.0 lakhs bottles, we need 2.0 lakh returnable
bottles in circulation, though 1.0 lakh bottles will be sufficient on a 1:10 ratio
of utilization. The deposit taken on crates and bottles must form atleast 50%
of this investment. Crown corks are to be procured from standard suppliers.
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RTS Mango Juice Line |
Manufacturing Process Of RTS Juice Line
Fully ripe sound fruits are selected and
washed in water. Juice from citrus fruits is extracted using a rosing machine.
Pineapple, litchi are peeled, decored, milled and passed through a juice press.
Passion fruits are cut, boiled and juice extracted through the pulper. The
juice from banana is extracted by pulping the peeled fruit and liquefaction
using pectolytic enzyme. The juices are filtered, bottled and pasteurized. For
making squash and syrups, sugar-acid syrup is blended with fruit pulp/juice in
specific proportion, mixed with preservative and bottled. For making
ready-to-serve beverages, the juice or pulp is mixed with acidified sugar
syrup, mixed, packed in 200 mL glass bottles and pasteurised.
Quality Control and Standards : As per FPO requirements
There is no major pollution problem
associated with this industry except for disposal of waste which should be
managed appropriately. The entrepreneurs are advised to take "No Objection
Certificate" from the State Pollution Control Board.
The fuel for the steam generation in the
boiler is coal or LDO depending upon the type of boiler. Proper care should be taken while utilising
the fuel for the steam production. There should be no leakage of steam in the
pipe lines and adequate insulation should be provided.
Quantity : 400 tpa (2 tpd)
Juice : 2.50 lakh bottles of 200 mL
RTS : 17.50 lakh bottles of 200 mL
Squash : 1.60 lakh bottles of 1L
Syrup : 15,000 bottles of 1L
Crush : 15,000 bottles of 1L
Installed capacity : 1300
Optimum capacity utilization : 70%
Working days :
Manpower : 40
Motive Power :
40 kW
Water :
25 kL/day
Coal/LD oil : 500
kg/120 L/day
Fixed Capital
9.1.1 Land & Building Amount (Rs.
Land 1000 sq.m. :
Built up Area 400 sq. m.. : 13.70
Total cost of Land and Building : 15.00
9.1.2 Machinery and Equipment
Description Amount (Rs.
Pulper, fruit mill, rosing machine, : 22.00
filter press, hydraulic press, bottle
filling machine, crown corking machine,
PP cap sealing machine, mixing tank,
boiler, bottle washing machine, platform
balance, table balance, washing tank,
Flash pasteuriser, pasteurization tank,
labelling machine, ss steam jacketted
kettles, aluminum pans, working tables,
laboratory equipments, knives, buckets etc.
Erection & electrification @10% cost of : 2.20
machinery & equipment
Office furniture & fixtures : 0.80
Total :
9.1.3 Pre-operative Expenses
Consultancy fee, project report, deposits with : 1.00
electricity department etc.
9.1.4 Total Fixed Capital : 41.00
9.2 Recurring expenses per annum
9.2.1 Personnel
Designation No.
Salary Amount
Per month (Rs.lakh)
Factory Manager 1
10000 1.20
Supervisor Production/Sales 3
6000 2.16
Office Assistant, Storekeeper 4 5000
Technician, Lab Assistant 3 4500 1.62
Skilled workers 6
2500 1.80
Unskilled workers(8 months) 23 2000 3.68
Perquisites @15% 1.94
Total : 40
9.2.2 Raw Material including packaging materials
Particulars Qty.(MT)
Rate/MT Amount
(Rs. lakh)
Fresh fruit 400
5000 20.00
Sugar 330
16000 52.80
Citric acid 3.5
1,50,000 5.25
Preservative,colour, essence 1.5
-LS- 7.50
Pet bottles, cap. 1L 1.90
lakh 4 each 7.60
Glass bottles, cap. 200 mL 13 lakh 4 each 52.00
Crown corks 14
lakh 0.50 each 7.00
Labels 15
lakh 0.50 each 7.50
Packing material -LS-
Detergent, etc. -LS-
Total : 173.00
9.2.3 Utilities Amount
(Rs. lakh)
Power 2.50
Total :
9.2.4 Other
Contingent Expenses Amount
(Rs. lakh)
Repairs and maintenance@10% 2.80
Consumables & spares 1.60
Transport & Travel 1.10
Publicity 1.00
Postage & stationery 0.60
Telephone 0.27
Licence fee & miscellaneous 0.26
Insurance 0.40
Total :
9.2.5 Total
Recurring Expenditure Amount
(Rs. lakh)
(9.2.1+9.2.2+9.2.3+9.2.4) 202.53
9.3 Working
Capital 50.65
Recurring Expenditure for 3 months
9.4 Total
Capital Investment Amount
(Rs. lakh)
Fixed capital (Refer 9.1.4) 41.00
Working capital (Refer 9.3) 50.65
Total :
10.1 Cost of
Production (per annum) Amount
(Rs. lakh)
Recurring expenses (Refer 9.2.5) 202.53
Depreciation on building @5% 0.69
Depreciation on machinery @10% 2.42
Depreciation on furniture @20% 0.16
Interest on Capital Investment @12% 11.00
Total :
10.2 Sale Proceeds (Turnover) per year
Item Qty.
Rate Amount (Rs.lakh)
(MT) per
Fruit juice in 200 mL glass 2,50,000 126
Ready-to-serve beverage 17,50,000
78 113.75
in 200 mL glass bottles
Squash in 1L Pet bottle 1,60,000
660 88.00
Syrup in 1L Pet bottle 15,000
820 10.25
Crush in 1L Pet bottle 15,000
700 8.75
10.3 Net Profit
per year
= Sales - Cost of production
= 247.00 - 216.80
= Rs. 30.20 lakh
10.4 Net Profit
= ( Net profit X 100)/Sales
= ( 30.20 X 100 )/247
= 12.2%
10.5 Rate of
Return on Investment
= ( Net profit X 100 ) / Capital Investment
= ( 30.20 X 100 ) / 91.65
= 33%
10.6 Annual Fixed
Cost Amount
(Rs. Lakh)
All depreciation 3.27
Interest 11.00
40% of salary, wages, utility, contingency 11.83
Insurance 00.40
Total :
10.7 Break even
= ( Annual Fixed Cost X 100 ) / ( Annual
Fixed Cost + Profit )
= ( 26.50 X 100 ) / ( 26.50 + 30.20 )
= 46.7%
A careful selection of sound fruits is necessary. The
facilities can also be utilised to manufacture squashes, jams, jellies,
marmalades etc. The plant can be operated in full capacity in summer months.
Products like mango, pineapple, grapes, mixed fruit based RTS beverages have to
be produced regularly. The idle capacity if any can be utilized for making
tomato products, jams, etc. in lean period, so that the viability of the unit
can be better achieved.
RTS Juice Processing & Packaging Line
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